

Screening of short music films of

                        Vincent Moon  


Date & Time: 5pm – Friday, Dec. 6th 2013

Venue: Nhà Sàn Collective Block A, 3rd Floor- 9 Tran Thanh Tong

Director: Vincent Moon

That image of indie bands and artists performing impromptu gigs on the streets of Paris probably automatically makes people think of La Blogothèque and Vincent Moon. But such limited description would do this talented French filmmaker injustice. His recent nomadic years have seen him travelling around and across the world, from the remotest African villages through deserts, rainforests, South American cities thousand metres above sea level, witnessing mystical religious rituals, breathing in urban dusts from myriads of South East Asian motorbikes.

What Vincent Moon has been looking for, however, is not even the most magnificent sight on Earth. The same camera and a few low-budget microphones that have helped him film countless Western bands are now used to capture traditional arts and music that are constantly facing the threat of being consumed by modernity; or local musicians that seem to have been forgotten by the world and the passing of time. Everywhere he goes more and more ‘Take Away Shows’ (of a new, much more exotic variety) take place. Gradually, a new series takes shape: Petites Planètes – Little Planets.